June 09, 2006

كان ياما كان

كان ياما كان راجل قرداتي فقير و غلبان... كل يوم ينصب النصبة و يطبل عالرق بتاعه و يتلموا حواليه الأولاد يتفرجوا عالقرد...و لما يخلص يلف عليهم بطربوشه القديم المتقطع يطلب قوت يومه بس محدش كان بيدفع ...مرت عليه الأيام صعبة و الفقر عدمه العافية لغاية لما جه اليوم اللي غير حياته... و هو قاعد في أوضته لقاها داخلة عليه جميلة و رقيقة و لابسه أحلى جواهر و زينة...سألها أنتي مين قالتله أنا الدنيا و جايالاك أنت هغير حياتك و أخيرا هتشوف معايا السعادة... وفعلا كان وعد الدنيا حقيقي و الفلوس كترت كأنها نازلة من السما والرجل الغلبان بقي تاجر كبير و وصل لمنصب شهبندر التجار... فكر يجوز ابنه و ملقاش حد يليق بيه غير بنت الملك...وافق الملك و اتعمل فرح كبير أيام و ليالي ...وهو واقف في الفرح جاله واحد و قاله فيه واحدة عايزاك رد و قال مش فاضي قاله الراجل طيب بس بصلها و أنت هتعرفها فعلا عرفها أزاي ينساها؟ دي الدنيا.... راحلها قالتله أنا ماشية قالها استني كمان شهر قالتله لأ قالها طيب كام يوم برضه قالت لأ قالها طيب ساعة واحدة وافقت الدنيا تستنى ساعة...راح جرى وجاب طربوشه القديم و الرق و وقف وسط الفرح و بصلها و طبل عالرق وقالها تيجي تيجي متجيش متجيش... لما شافته الدنيا .... تصدقوا أنها قعدت؟؟؟؟

يا صاحبي خلي الرق
دايما في جيبك


Blogger Christian said...

hehe we 3agaby :)

Where did you get this from :P

6/10/2006 11:24 PM  
Blogger Tiny said...

I would have loved to impress and say that I've made this story up from my own life experience..and the wisdom behind it is one of many to come and so on and so forth... but that would be a big fat lie.

You really want to know where I got it from? surgery class!

But seriously Christo,don't you sometimes wish for something so much and it doesn't come to you?! Then, flashing your "re2" would be the answer,as opposed to breaking down or going nuts.Nothing is worth a moment of stress.

6/11/2006 1:51 AM  
Blogger Christian said...

Well, I dunno. Stress has definitely taken me nowhere. Crying over spilled milk never helped indeed.

But it takes more than flashing your re2 I think, if you take flashing your re2 to mean keeping cool then definitely, but you still have to do something about it before it'll come to you.

The question if it's as valuable, the thing that you were wishing for, when you finally get it.

Life seems to like to laugh at us just like the devil in Be Dazzled. Wish for whatever and your wish might eventually come true, but it'll still not be what you actually wished for.

6/11/2006 10:16 AM  
Blogger Tiny said...

"Wish for whatever and your wish might eventually come true, but it'll still not be what you actually wished for." and here's where faith that 'kol elashya2 ta3mal ma3an lel7'eir' comes to the rescue:)

6/11/2006 1:01 PM  
Blogger Christian said...

Does it? :)

6/12/2006 10:05 AM  
Blogger HoneyBee0608 said...

First i wanna say Congratulations!
u know Tiny that i wanted ur blog badly ! lol
about ur 1st post, well, i dont know if u remember or not, but once we had a very nice walk (&talk) 2gether some long time ago, and u & i were discussing this topic somehow, and i told u that i stopped wishing for smthng badly, or in another way i became neutral 2life's desires and hopes, i dont like clinging 2smthng hoplessly, or at least dont focus on it as life or death matter 4me, because i believe life either ways has a lot 2give to u, from them wht u'll like and sure wht u dislike too, i managed to let this be my way, and thnk God i didnt have any frustrations, on the contrary when i dont get smthng, i dont feel desperate or hopeless, i look forward for wht life has got for me..and like the verse u said, God would let me be able 2realize this is for my own good..
commenting on Christian,(Wish for whatever and your wish might eventually come true, but it'll still not be what you actually wished for).
i dont think u dont remember one moment in ur life in which u felt u have got smthng u really wanted and it was ur way, either serious matter or just small wish, anyway, LIFE has a lot for us, and i'm sure every person on this earth has got smthng he wished for, at least once in his whole life,enshallah re3'if 3eish for a beggar mslan! God does not leave His own creation,,
Sure, we wanna stick to our "Re2", which in my life would be the lasting Hope and Faith with a little bit of Optimism, (not too much, huh!) lol
Thnxx Tiny for this beautiful post..

6/12/2006 11:53 PM  
Blogger Tiny said...

>Chris: oh yes it does;)

>Honeybee: Welcome back!You've been taking some time off,it seems..hehehe, I definetly agree that keeping on the neutral side of things is an optimum way for living a stress free life but I wouldn't be able to do it myself.It's not that I cling to life or live off what it offers,but I do have my yearnings and these would be my driving forces ..on all levels social, academic, emotional.

And that's why I am the kind of person who keeps elre2 close by..I flash it more often than I would want to.

6/14/2006 10:04 AM  
Blogger Rain said...

intriguing story, tiny. i find it quite amusing. You're right, you have to be kind of neutral to get by without getting yourself worked up over everything. But still, looking for a positive side in everything sure helps. It's like Yin-Yang; nothing is pure bad or pure good... you just have to spot the good side and you'll at least enjoy a little bit of everything life has to offer you

6/16/2006 1:15 AM  
Blogger Tiny said...

7'atwa 3azeeza...Nawarty blogy:)
please keep reading and enriching my humble blog with your insight..

6/17/2006 1:04 AM  

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