February 19, 2007


So the Tiny girl is back...

Taking a break from blogging wasn't as "hard" as I'd expected it to be, I thought back then that I was growing addicted but in fact it was just another excuse to waste time.
Finished exams..phewww, what a long journey that was. It was tiring, boring, frustrating and far from rewarding. In short, they were 5 months of an ever rising curve of such painful experiences as adding weight and feeling incompetent. Days and nights in monotonously repeated cycles. The peak was the end of the written exams. Fact: the big bulk is over. Reality:I can't feel the release just yet. Holding it in for another month until the endless oral and clinical exams are over, and by then I'd have become "comfortably numb".
I celebrate my freedom nonetheless.

I deserve a break, but how can that be with bro getting married in a couple of weeks' time???!
Work work work...chores, shopping, cleaning, dieting, exercising, driving, grooming....etc.
But it was well worth it, turned out to be the best night of my life to date :)

So now with that circus all over, I collapse..literally. Physically and mentaly..I don't feel like moving a muscle, nor working a single brain cell. Currently in the process of picking myself up and re-activating those atrophied social skills. It's a tough job!!!
I am exhausted. And I am not the same person. Something is happening inside of me, something that involves re-evaluating my current life, resenting most of it and embracing little. I ponder for hours on end, and I catch myself speaking my mind to one of my friends. It's been said that teenage is the most painful part of one's life, but I beg to differ. I admit to enjoying the pain, as vague as the outcome seems at the moment. It's a slow process, but I feel something is giving way. Sooner or later.

Speaking of teenage: Take That are back!!!!!!!!!!


Blogger Cleopatrina said...

welcome back to the blogosphere teeny.i totally understand what uve been going thru.its the transition phase between one era of ur life and the other..uve probably experienced everything at once.Dont ever let anything get u down and enjoy every moment of ur freedom:) keep up the healthier lifestyle u lookin smashin gurl;):)

hoooray for teenage memories and take thaaat;)

p.s lol@title

2/19/2007 3:25 AM  
Blogger Tiny said...

well, this transition is taken way more than it's bargained for!! Time and brain cells!!

And yeah, Take That..they are sooo worth a post!! and they are getting one real soon!!

title? *singing* "wana mashy fel tareee2..."hahahahhaaaaaa

2/22/2007 3:18 AM  
Blogger Cleopatrina said...

loool! why you!

2/22/2007 9:08 PM  
Blogger KareemFromEgypt said...

@ tiny : La LaLa LaLa LaLa :D


2/28/2007 9:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nezelt men 3arabeyet tiny
la lala lala lala
bardo fi ...

3/02/2007 12:46 AM  
Blogger Rain said...

Tinyy, back eh we bta3 eh it's been almost 3 months since this post and still nothing.. get back here! walla khalas feeling the release we mesh fadia te-bloggy?

5/09/2007 10:52 AM  

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