September 16, 2006

7...And Counting

Today is the first day of the seventh year.

I was young, and happy, and cheerful, and full of hope...and all the "I can do it, I can study hard and make superhuman efforts to get there" and all this crap. Now, 7 years later, I don't know where 'there' is!! 'There' is getting fuzzier by the minute- and I don't mean that in the sentimental /warm/purry sense, just the ugly one. It obviously takes more than 7 years for the picture to get clear *sigh*

I don't mean to moan I sure sound like it though.

The Good news, however, is only 4 months to go!!!!

P.S. Special congratz to Cleopatrina girl, it's her anniversary too ...hehehee


Blogger Cleopatrina said...

loool right back at ya teeeny gal! cmon it aint that bad, is it? HELL IT IS! ladies and gents we threw our lives down the sluggish egyptian drains!but we'll make it.with God's will we will.itll be over in a couple of months and BAM!!off to the blood bags.
study well ya bet
wuff uuu!

9/16/2006 4:53 PM  
Blogger Rain said...


Heya kelma dayman ba2olha fel monasbat el sa3ida di.. enty elli gebti da kollo le nafsek!
You should've found urself a rich, "Ugly" (wink!wink!) guy to marry and have all the time to get There... wherever that might be. :p

9/27/2006 1:58 AM  
Blogger MechanicalCrowds said...

What exactly have you been doing for 7 years? :D

9/29/2006 12:40 AM  
Blogger Christian said...

Making Endless Digression In Common Intellect Naively and Exceedingly

otherwise known as M.E.D.I.C.I.N.E

9/29/2006 8:47 AM  

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