Laughter Turns Into Tears
Yes..there has been another Qana massacre..and Qana goes down in history for the third time
شاحبٌ كما وجهُ يسوع
وهواءُ البحرِ في نيسانَ،
أمطارُ دماءٍ ودموع...
دخلوا قانا على أجسادِنا
يرفعونَ العلمَ النازيَّ في أرضِ الجنوب
ويعيدونَ فصولَ المحرقة..
هتلرٌ أحرقهم في غرفِ الغاز
وجاؤوا بعدهُ كي يحرقونا
هتلرٌ هجّرهم من شرقِ أوروبا
وهم من أرضِنا هجّرونا
هتلرٌ لم يجدِ الوقتَ لكي يمحقَهمْ
ويريحَ الأرضَ منهم..
فأتوا من بعدهِ كي يمحقونا!!
دخلوا قانا كأفواجِ ذئابٍ جائعة..
يشعلونَ النّار في بيتِ المسيح
ويدوسونَ على ثوبِ الحسين
وعلى أرضِ الجنوب الغالية
ورأينا أمريكا ترتدي معطفَ حاخامٍ يهوديٍّ عتيق
وتقودُ المجزرة..
تطلقُ النارَ على أطفالنا دونَ سبب..
وعلى زوجاتنا دونَ سبب
وعلى أشجارنا دونَ سبب
وعلى أفكارنا دونَ سبب
فهل الدستورُ في سيّدة العالم..
بالعبريِّ مكتوبٌ لإذلالِ العرب؟؟
هل على كلِّ رئيسٍ حاكمٍ في أمريكا..
إذا أرادَ الفوزَ في حلمِ الرئاسةِ
قتلَنا، نحنُ العرب؟؟
ما الذي تخشاهُ إسرائيلُ من صرخاتنا؟
ما الذي تخشاهُ من "فاكساتنا"؟
فجهادُ "الفاكسِ" من أبسطِ أنواعِ الجهاد..
هوَ نصٌّ واحدٌ نكتبهُ
لجميعِ الشهداءِ الراحلين
وجميع الشهداءِ القادمين..!
نحنُ شعبٌ من عجين
كلّما تزدادُ إسرائيلُ إرهاباً وقتلاً
نحنُ نزدادُ ارتخاءً.. وبرودا..
وطنٌ يزدادُ ضيقاً
لغةٌ قطريةٌ تزدادُ قبحاً
وحدةٌ خضراءُ تزداد انفصالاً
شجرٌ يزدادُ في الصّيف قعوداً..
وحدودٌ كلّما شاءَ الهوى تمحو حدودا..!
كيفَ إسرائيلُ لا تذبحنا؟
كيفَ لا تلغي هشاماً، وزياداً، والرشيدا؟
وبنو تغلبَ مشغولون في نسوانهم...
وبنو مازنَ مشغولونَ في غلمانهم..
وبنو هاشمَ يرمونَ السّراويلَ على أقدامها..
ويبيحونَ شِفاهاً ونهودا؟؟!
ما الذي تخشاهُ إسرائيلُ من بعضِ العربْ...
بعدما صاروا يهودا؟
نزار قباني
The 'Mountain' & its Repercussions
This movie is excellent!
It's this blend of emotions, meloncholy, inhibitions, day-to-day struggles, facing's just beautiful. It speaks directly to the soul, a saga about 'forbidden love' - that kind of love that tried to make its way to our hearts but never got through our minds. It's that lost love, the love that couldn't have been, with its undeniable intoxication. The love story is pure and fresh. The flow of events and dialogue is graceful. The scenery is breath-taking. And taking you through all that is the flawless score. To top all that off the actors; Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal, give the performances I'd say, of their lives.
The only drawback is that it's a very American movie,it's not a Western though -a relief.
So ever since I've seen this movie, I 've been telling people to give it a go..well, truth be told, I was only provoking reactions..and I got what I want *naughty smile*
Girls were like, "Oh really??! We've heard about it, but now you say it's good we'll definetly see it." Men, on the other hand, gave the most hilarious reactions," What the $^@*???!! I am NOT going to watch way!! That's disgusting.It'd only make me want to puuuuke!!" Yeah, seriosuly, only ONE guy said he'd take my humble recommendation and see it (which makes me sad coz I can't stereotype now:) )
Of course, the best part of the movie is that it left me thinking.What about?
- The question of forbidden/incomplete love, I mean come on..there's definetly something about sad love stories that grips us. It happens in real life- and when it does it's not as 'gripping' really- love stories that never get to see the light because of social barriers or religious ones..I am not saying that I am for that cause, absolutely not. I believe that love is only complete with the mating of minds, and that's fairly impossible to reach in that kind of love. I mean if you reach that stage in a love that you know, is doomed, then you've only got yourself to blame when it gets nasty, and eventually it will... happy endings happen only in Fantasy World. I just hope I am never an part of a relationship that's not going to last long for whatever's a heartache.
- The agony of losing someone dear (not necessarily a lover), of having to let go and tolerate life without him/her.
- Long distance relationships, their ups and downs, the mixed emotions of meeting your love and saying goodbye ever so often... all almost effortlessly depicted in Gyllenhaal expressions.
Speaking of Jake, this guy just ooooooozes with talent...I tell you,he's going to be the next Edward Norton!!!
I made sure, as I wrote this post, to give little account of the events, if any.. I don't want to ruin it for those of you who considered watching it, trust me you won't regret it:) Final note: this movie is rated R.
Me go study now to the music of the OST.. me grow addicted to it!!!:)
(To everyone who's reading this post: please don't look for ration in it, there's only little of that :) )
So it's the 13th day of the month again! Is there a way to take this day off the calender!??
I am not the superstitious kind but there must be a scientific explanation to that dreadful 13th.. I keep telling myself that it's all in my head but then comes another 13th and something goes wrong again. It's irrationally unpleasant. Can one hold grudge against a day, a period of time?? I don't care what the rest of the world think of the 13th or whether they agree or disagree on it, but for me..I've seen my fair share of mishaps on that day. The farthest I can think of was way back in 1996, I vividly rememeber the day...seriously!!!
Maybe I subconsciously -and superstitiously- get myself in a bad mood on those 24 hrs/'s a possibility...but you have to excuse me, it's only because of previous experience. It's sad but true; I don't like the 13th!!!
OK so, I am usually wiser than that..but I allow myself a few exceptions, the 'Fear of the13th' being top of the list :)) Let me rephrase that, it's not fear, it's not like I wouldn't get out of bed, or would take a different road to college or change anything of my daily routine..but I just wouldn't be surprised if I have a fight, or a car accident, or I hear a bit of bad news about someone dear..etc. I'd be prepared for absolutely anything to happen on that day!!!
Just for the record: I am OK with black cats, and I don't wear 'blue' a lot :)
Conclusion: 'The 13th' may be an urban legend.. but some Tiny girl out there believes in it.
While I was at it, thought I'd check my horoscope for the day -you see, Mercury is retrograde so unfortunate events are highly expected specially with communication related issues- and here it is:
" Sometimes, it's only when life gets difficult that it gets interesting. It's why, if you find yourself in a tough situation through no fault of your own, you can always find something valuable to learn from it. Whose fault is it that you now face a particular problem? Let's not go into that. Let's just say that Jupiter and Pluto, while they may be putting you through a testing time, are about to show you a brilliant new way to move forward."
Nah..I wouldn't count on Jupiter, or Pluto for that matter.
One Up, One Down
Give me an I.. T... A.. L ..Y!!!!
The Italians have made it to the '06World Cup final...YUPPPPPPPIIIIIIEEEEEEE. I could barely believe myself last night as I watched them score 1 goal after the other, beating the Germans and sending them back home (not really "back", just "home") How did Del Piero and his mates do it!? I,the most optimistic of the Italians' supporters, dare not dream of seeing them in the final!! I have supported Italy for as long as I remember watching football altogether, and have usually been mocked for that.. ok so people tend to believe I support Italians coz they are handsome (oh well, they a r e *blush*) but no that's not the reason why. I have always felt sympathy towards Italians, they are like a luckier version of Egyptians, coz they are europeans.I have only met 1 Italian family in my life and they certainly made me love Italy to the multiples!!! They love life. They have a cozy family life like ours, their men are "7emsheen" , their women are beautiful when young but turn into loving middle-aged mums (gaining weight as they do) again needless to say "like ours". At night, they gather around dinner which is usually homemade and d e l i c i o u s, homemade wine, butter, pork, pizza, cheese (their version of our feteer and gebna beida and 3er2 sous I guess :) ). Last but not least, they have an unmistakable sense of fashion..all of them!! There's always a fashion twist in their wardrobes, from hairstyles to belts to jeans, even their eye glasses... it's amazing, I believe it's in their genes!
Anyways, back to their Blue team.. I love them and now that they made it to the final, they can see it through ro the Cup:))
I had a disturbing dream last night, tried to wake up right in the middle of it but could not. I tell you it wasn't fun. But that's not what I am blogging about. Here let me explain the dream I hear bad news and cry. But I find no shoulder to cry on.One of my school friends showed up, only to be summoned a minute later by her husband (she is married in real life).. and I cried still. Then came a friend of mine whom I expected least to see in this dream...but who was a true comfort, really. I remember feeling much better in this friend's arms..the sobbing didn't stop though, it just changed into little cries ..soft and relieving. It was the sharing and the connection that most touched me.
Could this dream have any reflection of the truth in it?! That would be terrible, regardless of the bad news, where were my friends -the ones I do depend on?! Why did this particular friend show up!? I am not a person who believes in the hidden meaning in dreams, coz dreams are only projections of our souls. Again if they were so, then I should do some serious soul-searching -already exhausted at the energy needed for that!!
Thanx buddy for the effort, you know who you are..I owe you one;)