July 05, 2006

One Up, One Down

Give me an I.. T... A.. L ..Y!!!!
The Italians have made it to the '06World Cup final...YUPPPPPPPIIIIIIEEEEEEE. I could barely believe myself last night as I watched them score 1 goal after the other, beating the Germans and sending them back home (not really "back", just "home") How did Del Piero and his mates do it!? I,the most optimistic of the Italians' supporters, dare not dream of seeing them in the final!! I have supported Italy for as long as I remember watching football altogether, and have usually been mocked for that.. ok so people tend to believe I support Italians coz they are handsome (oh well, they a r e *blush*) but no that's not the reason why. I have always felt sympathy towards Italians, they are like a luckier version of Egyptians, coz they are europeans.I have only met 1 Italian family in my life and they certainly made me love Italy to the multiples!!! They love life. They have a cozy family life like ours, their men are "7emsheen" , their women are beautiful when young but turn into loving middle-aged mums (gaining weight as they do) again needless to say "like ours". At night, they gather around dinner which is usually homemade and d e l i c i o u s, homemade wine, butter, pork, pizza, cheese (their version of our feteer and gebna beida and 3er2 sous I guess :) ). Last but not least, they have an unmistakable sense of fashion..all of them!! There's always a fashion twist in their wardrobes, from hairstyles to belts to jeans, even their eye glasses... it's amazing, I believe it's in their genes!
Anyways, back to their Blue team.. I love them and now that they made it to the final, they can see it through ro the Cup:))


I had a disturbing dream last night, tried to wake up right in the middle of it but could not. I tell you it wasn't fun. But that's not what I am blogging about. Here let me explain further..in the dream I hear bad news and cry. But I find no shoulder to cry on.One of my school friends showed up, only to be summoned a minute later by her husband (she is married in real life).. and I cried still. Then came a friend of mine whom I expected least to see in this dream...but who was a true comfort, really. I remember feeling much better in this friend's arms..the sobbing didn't stop though, it just changed into little cries ..soft and relieving. It was the sharing and the connection that most touched me.
Could this dream have any reflection of the truth in it?! That would be terrible, regardless of the bad news, where were my friends -the ones I do depend on?! Why did this particular friend show up!? I am not a person who believes in the hidden meaning in dreams, coz dreams are only projections of our souls. Again if they were so, then I should do some serious soul-searching -already exhausted at the energy needed for that!!

Thanx buddy for the effort, you know who you are..I owe you one;)


Blogger Christian said...

hmmm you owe your friend cuz he showed up in your dream? Jjust don't get mad at him when he doesn't show up the next dream.

Italians bear close resemblance to Egyptians in my experience too. If you don't know any Italians look no further than their traffic patterns (or lack thereof) for proof.

(their version of our feteer and gebna beida and 3er2 sous I guess :) ).
And you trying to sound "balady" failed miserably.
There is no such thing as feteer we gebna beida we 3er2 sous lol. Fe feteer we baid we gebna, or feteer we gebna.
If you really have to mention a drink it could be 'tamr', or '2assab' masalan, but 3er2 sous is not really on the map :P

7/05/2006 12:39 PM  
Blogger HoneyBee0608 said...

all i can tell u is that crying in a dream i think may reflect ur need 2pour out some of ur worry, burden, or smthng like that..or may b u already did..
in ur last post also u mentioned u cried, regardless of the reason, this i think may indicate the same thing, u r trying 2feel relieved in a way or another, who aren't?!
anyway the world of dreams always attract me, cos like u said it reflects somehow wht's deep inside each of us..our souls..and may b this news thing was only 2make u cry!
anyway dont disturb urself, and next time just nudge me 2come up from my own dream..then we can relieve eachother..;)

7/05/2006 1:23 PM  
Blogger HoneyBee0608 said...

Dina, i focused on the dream and 4got about ITALY !!
well, i was quite happy myself, i really wish they'd grab the cup!
my only experience wth italians is a penpal when i was a teenager, she was sooo sweeet, and yes i think they r like egyptians in many ways f3lan!..and no one can deny how they r really professional in football..
they really deserved it yesterday..
i'm excited 4the coming!
c u in comin post!

7/05/2006 1:27 PM  
Blogger Cleopatrina said...

viva l'itaaaaliaaaaaaa!
so who was the friend anyway? maybe ur underestimating the amount of loyalty and sincerity he bares for u;)and maybe the others caught up in their own ta7oona leads u to think they dont care when infact they do..they jst rnt eloquent in expressing it

7/05/2006 7:44 PM  
Blogger Tiny said...

That thank u in the end is not for the friend in the dream, it's for another friend who is too dumb to realise it :) btw,I haven't told the friend in the dream about it anyways.

>Chris: Blimey, u used to be smart! That wasn't an atempt to sound "balady" ya 3am elagnaby.. that was a valid comparison between the Italian southerners and the Egyptian sa3ayda..you see, in se3eed they make their own gebna beida (like the Italians make their cheese)and eat it with homemade feteer -no eggs involved.Remind me to get u some good mallawy gebna beida when u visit :)
And the drink!? I agree about 2assab..but I felt 3er2 sous is very egyptian too..u know that guy who walks around the Cairo streets with a big balloon shaped glass 'container' and he has those 2 brass "sagat" that make that characteristic sound!?? That's TRUE egyptian :) Besides,wine is not trademark Italian,is it?!

>Honeybee: Italians rule!! :)
I don't think that dream was about any burdens or a desire to cry, it was more about...mmm.. dunno know what exactly but I do know that I am in a better state now than the "if tears could talk" times.
Thanks for the Mercury tip;)

>Cleopatrina: oh well..i still hold them all dear to my heart *sniff sinff* :)

7/05/2006 9:17 PM  
Blogger Christian said...

What's with people these days? You shoot some sarcastic comment and they immediately assume you have no idea what they're talking about!

So, thank you for explaining the very well hidden between the lines parallel you were trying to draw between Egyptians and Italians. Because, of course, the statement 'their version of our feteer and gebna beida and 3er2 sous' is so full of hidden meanings and slick metaphors that's not for the likes of yours truly who, according to some people at least, is slowly morphing to be a real life version of Forrest Gump.

I know what they do in upper Egypt, and I attested to the 'feteer we gebna' aspect. I was just saying that the trio is not popular as a errr trio. That is to say, the "expression" 'feteer we gebna we 3er2 sous' does not ring a bell. Maybe separately, but not together they don't. I still stand by my earlier statement that '2assab' is a lot more national. In all my life in Egypt I've had it countless times versus probably less than half a dozen times for '3er2 sous'

It's getting morbid though so anyway.....

7/05/2006 10:44 PM  
Blogger Christian said...

Re-reading my comment it sounds a bit too serious for my tastes, so here you go, sprinkle those all over to tune it down a bit
:) :) :) :)

7/05/2006 10:45 PM  
Blogger Tiny said...

You think I'll ever be like her???!

7/06/2006 1:38 PM  

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