Today and for the first time in quite a while, I cried. On my way home from college,and on my 40 minute drive, I just let go and with no effort at all tears came flowing. They were silent tears, running one after the other. Why? I asked myself..and found no answer. There is no good reason, actually there is none, whether it be good or bad. It could be academic stress or physical exhaustion or any related worry -which is increasing by the day. But no, that's not it. I know what it is, putting it to words is a challenge though. I'll give it a shot anyways. I don't feel satisfied, it's like there's an emptiness inside that nothing can's a blank area in me, and it's bipartate. One part is eaten out, nibbled at by life. I believe almost everyone's been through that and frankly nothing can be done about it.Just sit there and pray that one day all the meanness and abuse you've put up with silently pays off and you meet people even better than yourself to bear with your crap, lest you learn true humility. The other part is more complicated, it's that yearn to prove myself, to succeed and accomplish, to become a successful woman -not particularly a successful career woman. I don't care to be a rocket scientist or a world famous physician, I just care to be good-natured, kind, wise eduacted.I care for others to love,respect and above all appreciate me.
Conclusion: one part is what I received, the other is what I could be giving.
I'll just assume that what I am experiencing now is all natural with life starting soon and future sneaking from around the corner. I have to decide who -not what- I want to become. It may all sound quite easy, but in fact it's a lot to ask a person who takes 30 minutes to decide what to waer everytime she leaves the house.
P.S. Part 2 of the Koln post is coming your way. Way too dark a mood now!
With all eyes now on Germany because of the FIFA World Cup,I can't help but feel nostalgic for the 30 days and nights spent in this lively, colourful, happy, exciting country."Germany?!?!?!!?!?" you'd all wonder."Oh yes," I'd say. Contrary to you might think,Germany in the summer is just one big carnival! And the Germans?! They're cuuuuuuuuuuuuute!They are as serious as hell in the weekdays,but later in the day and on weekends it's ho ho ho and dancing and festivals and shopping and the whole deal."What about arrogance and racism?"umm well,nothing of the sort happened to me or any of my Egyptian friends, but the Arabs I met there confirmed that Germans are prejudiced against other races and since it's the same elsewhere,the US, the UK, why do we expect the Germans to be any different!? Anyways,the beauty of Germany lies in 2 main points -that I've only come to appreciate after I crossed the borders to Austria which basically sucked-;
1-Each German city I visited had a different taste to it-from Serious Berlin to Posh Munich to Funky Hamburg. 2-Wherever you are in Germany,you feel secure. You are always in good hands and protected by the system- from purchasing an item to booking a train(Die Bahn-hehehe) ticket to seeing a patient in the hospital. You might all accuse me of being ignorant for almost every "First World" country has a diversity of city charms and an efficient system, but I tell you in Germany,it's the real deal.I never imagined I'd fall in love with this coutry,but I did :)
That's it for the 'Visit Germany' ad and back to my post.In August '04, I went for an internship in the University of Cologne (a.k.a Koln) Hospital with 4 colleagues (only 2 of which I had known beforehand). Frankly speaking, I was little interested in medicine and much more fond of the idea of spending a whole month in a european country with students my age and all the -e7m e7m- fun that implied. Moreover, I hadn't heard of Koln so figured it was a small unknown city somewhere in Germany that would bore me to tears and I would end up taking weekly trips to Amsterdam or Brussels or any Schengen country. Anna (a friend of mine) had told me that it's a beautiful city but I was still skeptical-you see, she said it was the retirement place for rich Jews, now you know why I was skeptical. But to my amazement, Koln turned out to be a beautiful historical city overlooking the Rhein and home of Kolner Dom -a huge world famous cathedral (seems I did turn out to be ignorant after all!!!) But the better part was the university, because that meant young boys and girls, and all the caterers i.e. night spots and retail stores (what do you think those kids liked?museums!?) So we settled in our hostel and went out to discover the city and we met them...the best part of Koln...
كان ياما كان راجل قرداتي فقير و غلبان... كل يوم ينصب النصبة و يطبل عالرق بتاعه و يتلموا حواليه الأولاد يتفرجوا عالقرد...و لما يخلص يلف عليهم بطربوشه القديم المتقطع يطلب قوت يومه بس محدش كان بيدفع ...مرت عليه الأيام صعبة و الفقر عدمه العافية لغاية لما جه اليوم اللي غير حياته... و هو قاعد في أوضته لقاها داخلة عليه جميلة و رقيقة و لابسه أحلى جواهر و زينة...سألها أنتي مين قالتله أنا الدنيا و جايالاك أنت هغير حياتك و أخيرا هتشوف معايا السعادة... وفعلا كان وعد الدنيا حقيقي و الفلوس كترت كأنها نازلة من السما والرجل الغلبان بقي تاجر كبير و وصل لمنصب شهبندر التجار... فكر يجوز ابنه و ملقاش حد يليق بيه غير بنت الملك...وافق الملك و اتعمل فرح كبير أيام و ليالي ...وهو واقف في الفرح جاله واحد و قاله فيه واحدة عايزاك رد و قال مش فاضي قاله الراجل طيب بس بصلها و أنت هتعرفها فعلا عرفها أزاي ينساها؟ دي الدنيا.... راحلها قالتله أنا ماشية قالها استني كمان شهر قالتله لأ قالها طيب كام يوم برضه قالت لأ قالها طيب ساعة واحدة وافقت الدنيا تستنى ساعة...راح جرى وجاب طربوشه القديم و الرق و وقف وسط الفرح و بصلها و طبل عالرق وقالها تيجي تيجي متجيش متجيش... لما شافته الدنيا .... تصدقوا أنها قعدت؟؟؟؟
Never thought I'd actually go through with it but I did. Ok...I have to admit it took longer than I expected it to but it's out and you are actually reading it first blog post:)
I don't know what to mind's blank now.It's been a long day between studying, going to college, church then out, but that won't keep me from talking a bit.
According to some friends I, Dina, can make up a good blog.Why? Because I like to talk, share, express, analyze..etc. And this is all true..I am guilty as charged! I am not going to talk much because most of you already know me well and the rest of you will get to know more if you keep watching this space.